Precision: avoid the use of unnecessary words that make sure the text has a style more elaborate and often confusing.

Logical style: drafting of texts, in general, changes according to the language of that question. So one of the tasks of the translator is to decide what is the proper way to write a text in a given language: using the active voice or passive, in case you or your readers...

Despite having guidelines General about how prepares the technical documentation, yet are little known, and therefore they have had little impact, the modern technologies of assisted in drafting technical translation. We are convinced that the great benefits which will do that companies not take to become aware of the need to optimize texts for later translation services CCJK, whether for database-assisted translation systems or even to machine translation. The tasks of technical writing often fall on own technical experts that, in many cases, have no training as a technical editor.

Tips for the translation of technical texts

Understand the context: is essential to know to whom it is directed the text, what will be its use, etc., to achieve the desired specialty in each case.

Documented: the work of documentation can save us many problems when it comes to translate. Be familiar with the topic, have glossaries and know where to go if we have doubts us saves time and speeds up the work of the translator.

Stay up to date: especially if we are specialized in a particular field, must inform us insofar as possible of what be going on in the field in question. In this way the documentation may not be so laborious.

Keep the textual coherence: in technical texts is essential precision and accuracy, respect the terminology, take care of spelling and grammar, etc., since the minimum error can have important consequences.

Attention to neologisms: sometimes is taken for granted that a recent creation (especially in the case of English) Word does not have an equivalent in the target language. In many cases it is true, and the English word is taken as a standard and universal but must make sure always that there is no equivalent in the target language.

Eye with acronyms, abbreviations, and acronyms!: can happen between different areas of knowledge there is coincidence in acronyms to designate different realities. It is likely that by the context we rule out any of the options, but we must confirm this with some reliable source. We must know the conventions of writing of these elements (with or without point, uppercase and lowercase, spaces etc.).

Control units of measure and figures: should make sure of correct writing of figures in the languages with which we work, and also make the necessary conversions to make understandable text in the target language. Errors in figures, depending on the content of the text, can lead to very serious errors.